

Medical and First Aid

Call 911
  • If life-threatening injury or illness occurs, dial 911 for emergency medical services. Unconsciousness or severe disorientation is a life threatening condition.
  • Give your name, describe the nature and severity of the medical problem and the campus location of the individual.
  • Do not hang up until told to do so by the emergency operator.
  • If someone is available to help, send that person to meet the emergency responders and guide them to your location. 
  • CONSENT FOR CARE IS REQUIRED: A conscious and oriented adult (or minor with a parent or guardian) has the right to determine whether, and what health care is needed.  Under such circumstances, a person can voluntarily and individually choose to provide assistance only after asking for - and obtaining - verbal consent by the person and/or guardian.   Consent to provide care is implied for unattended minors (persons under the age of 18 not in the immediate presence of a parent or guardian).  To obtain consent: state your name, what you think is wrong, what your qualifications for providing care (“I’ve been trained in first aid”, or other…), what you plan to do, and then ask if you can help.  If the person says “NO”, do not provide care.  Once you become involved, you must stay involved until emergency medical services arrive and take over. 
  • Do not move an injured person; encourage the person to not move and try to keep them comfortable and awake until help arrives.
  • AED’s (automatic external defibrillators) are widely available and are located in many campus buildings.  Learn, in advance, where AEDs are located in the areas you frequent.
  • In case of a non-urgent injury or illness, students may contact the University Health and Counseling Service or other local provider.
  • Training for first aid, CPR, and AED use is available through a variety of campus and community sources, including the American Heart Association, and American Red Cross.
  • Persons with medical conditions that may require emergency treatment should notify their supervisors or instructors of their condition and the standard emergency treatment that may be required.